The American Marketing Association, which has a chapter at Texas Southern University, is a national organization that serves to instill a desire in students to develop excellence in marketing and to provide them access to the manifold professional enrichment activities provided by the national organization.


American Marketing AssociationIn April 2019, the AMA-zing chapter of the American Marketing Association at Texas Southern University went to New Orleans to attend the 41st International Collegiate Conference of which their very own advisor, Dr. Delonia Minor-Cooley, served as the Co-Chair of the conference and the President of the Collegiate Chapters Council. She is the first woman of color to serve in either role in the past 15+ years and the 1st to serve from an HBCU! 

The students competed in several competitions and won 1st Place in the following:

1.) Top Small Chapter with the most donations on #GivingTuesday

2.) Excellence in execution of their Marketing Week Activities

3.) Best Overall Exhibit by Student Choice/Vote

One of the biggest awards of the weekend was based on their Annual Report. It is similar to a Business Plan that is based on their yearly activities and Chapter Programming throughout the academic year. There are over 388+ AMA Collegiate Chapters and they placed in the TOP 10 OF OVERALL CHAPTERS! 

Why is this important? They are the 1st EVER HBCU to accomplish this task! Even though they are considered a Small Chapter (<15 members) which is a separate judged category, all of the other Top 9 chapters have membership levels of >50! They were judged with the best of the best and won, even out ranking chapters like U of Houston - Main,  Aurora University (2018 International Chapter of the Year), Florida State University, and the U of Texas - Austin just to name a few.

So, when you see them out and about, please give them a High 5, as well as, tell other students to support their events as this is how they can recruit more members and get to the next level of the Top 5, then on to the International Chapter of the Year!!!

The chapter and their advisor would like to say a special thank you to the administrators of the SFAC fund. The chapter did a proposal and presentation and were awarded funds. The chapter was able to utilize the grant in both the Fall and the Spring semester. These grants helped support their travel to their conference and their chapter activities throughout the year!  Without their sole support along with the chapter's fundraising initiatives off-campus, they would not have been able to accomplish as much as they did! We look forward to their continued support next year! 

The Student Business Leadership Organization (SBLO) was formed in Fall 2000 by Marcus Winder (former student). The purpose of the organization is to develop Texas Southern University business students into community and corporate leaders by refining their skills and talents. We have engaged in community service projects, such as the American Breast Cancer Walkathon, a Coat Drive, and a Sexual Assault Awareness Program. We also host professional development seminars, which cover Human ResourceMoney ManagementFranchising & ManagementNetworkingLeadershipFinancial Planning and much more.

For information about joining SBLO, e-mail us at

Urban Financial Services Coalition (UFSC) plans and executes activities designed to reinforce the theoretical base provided in the classroom with knowledge and insights gained through real-world exposure in the field of finance. This organization further serves as a forum for social and other extra-curricular activities designed to enrich the academic experience of finance majors.

The Entrepreneurial Club is the newest addition to the School of Business student organizations. This club is designed to encourage entrepreneurship for its members and the student body through a series of events and meetings geared towards owning and operating a small business.


Beta Alpha Psi is a national scholastic and professional accounting fraternity. The Delta Xi Chapter was established at Texas Southern University in 1975 for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing scholastic and professional excellence in the field of accounting. To achieve this purpose or objective, Beta Alpha Psi fosters the following: the promotion of the study and practice of accounting; the provision of opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing accountants; and the encouragement of a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities. The minimum scholastic requirement for juniors and seniors to be members is a cumulative GPA of 3.00 in accounting courses. Also, students must have completed Accounting 231, 232 and 331 for admission.

The National Association of Black Accountants is a national organization of accounting students. Its primary purpose is to promote professional development in accounting, to encourage and help members of minority groups enter the accounting profession, and to provide assistance in developing accounting education for members of minority groups. The student chapter at Texas Southern University was organized in 1975, and membership is open to all students majoring in accounting or those who have expressed a desire to enter the accounting profession.

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is the governing body for master of business administration students. This organization conducts social and developmental activities to enhance the educational experience of graduate students. Along with these activities, GSA presents an annual professional development and leadership events open to all students in an effort to prepare them for success in the corporate atmosphere.

Graduate Student Organization Advisors



JHJ Graduate Student Association (GSA)/Alumni Association Career Fair

The 3rd annual JHJ Graduate Student Association (GSA)/Alumni Association Career Fair was held on April 4, 2019. There were 6 companies (9 had confirmed) and about 42 students in attendance. This event was entirely organized in partnership between the JHJ GSA Officers/Advisors and the JHJ Alumni Association. Dr. Vanjani and I are grateful for all of the support from everyone.
GSA Career Fair

TSU Toastmasters Club 

The JHJ School of Business took the initiative for this drive and is pleased to announce that Toastmasters International Management has assigned new club status to "TSU Toastmasters Club" for all the Schools of TSU.

The next step is the requirement for membership for full fledged approval of Club and Students as well as the Faculty are being approached.  The assigned Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for JHJSB is Anthony  Gallien, and for BJMLSPA is Regent Johnson.

The "TSU Toastmasters Club" is gearing up to impart Public Speaking excellence, leadership qualities and promote Networking skillsets for students career development ahead of their graduation so they are facilitated with jobs of their choice.

The next meeting will be held on: 

  • Friday, 27th Sept, 2019 at 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. 
  • Location: JHJSB Conference Room #310

For further details please email, Prof. Rafiq Khadimally, BSME, MBA, PMP, via email at

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is a global, non-profit organization that is literally changing the world through highly dedicated student teams on more than 1500 university campuses in 37 countries. SIFE offers students the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise, thereby improving the standard of living for millions in the process. Guided by distinguished faculty advisors and supported by businesses around the globe, SIFE teams teach important concepts through educational outreach projects, including market economics, entrepreneurship, personal and financial success, and business ethics to better themselves, their communities and their countries. Each year, SIFE competitions are held worldwide, drawing together thousands of students and business leaders to pay tribute to these extraordinary educational outreach projects.

The SIFE team at the Jesse H. Jones School of Business represented Texas Southern University at the SIFE Regional Competition in Dallas, TX during the 2004 spring semester. Competing for the second time, the team delivered a compelling presentation that captured spectators and overwhelmed judges. Under the direction of faculty advisorDr. Johnnie Williams, and staff advisor, Ms. Rosalyn Wilson, the team of achievers returned home as the Regional Champions.   Competing team members included Tarun AdamsLeigh J. Britton (team captain), Lizette CastanoBrandi CummingsBranden GleasonVennita HarrisMajor LandNatasha OsborneEddie SimmonsAlba Tavira, and Irvin Williams. Others members included Delecia AytchCyreeta CurbeamShelya DockeryRamon EdisonAlfred HughesKela JeffersonMichael McGaskeyZelda MorganGarblah PaigeMichelle SouthersAthena Williams, and Taleathia Willingham.

For information about joining SIFE, e-mail us at