About Program

Texas Southern University’s department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Studies, in conjunction with other departments, Schools and Colleges, and funding from Houston Methodist Foundation, is sponsoring Project GAP for girls entering sixth grade in fall 2022. This program facilitates learning by offering computer-based academic enrichment (math, science, reading and writing), character education and interactive activities such as dance, art, health and wellness, and role-playing exercises for building life skills. Project GAP also includes parental involvement. The program provides a safe and fun environment supervised by a mature, responsible and enthusiastic staff.

Project GAP is a year-long program offered to girls entering sixth grade in fall 2022. Project GAP begins on the TSU campus for 4 weeks during the summer from July 5 – July 29, 2022. It will continue virtually, thereafter, with days provided for in-person activities. Project GAP is dedicated to ensuring that your child receives the most positive summer experience possible while promoting values, honesty, respect, and integrity. The program was planned in the interest of your child and offers a fun and supportive environment where youth can share, explore and celebrate their accomplishments.


Program Schedule

Project GAP offers grade- and age-appropriate courses.

TIME Description
07:30 - 08:00 a.m. Arrival
08:00 - 08:30 a.m. Breakfast
08:35 - 08:55 a.m. Morning meditation/general session
09:00 - 09:45 a.m. Session 1 (Monday – Thursday)
09:50 - 10:35 a.m. Session 2 (Monday – Thursday)
10:40 - 11:25 a.m. Session 3
11:30 - 11:45 a.m. Prepare for lunch
11:45 - 12:25 p.m. LUNCH
12:25 - 12:40 p.m. Return from lunch
12:40 - 01:00 p.m. Debriefing/general session (Monday – Thursday)
01:00 p.m. Departure Pick


Do you have a question about the program or any suggestions? Please contact us at 713-313-7623 or angela.meshack@istanbulbuklet.com.