Undergraduate Major in Sociology
The major in Sociology requires a total of thirty-six (36) semester credit hours in Sociology courses. Only grades of “C” or better are accepted (grades of “C-” are unacceptable). First-time degree seeking students pursuing this degree must declare a minor in a second academic discipline. Once admitted to the University, Sociology majors are assigned a faculty advisor who will advise them of the curriculum courses that are required to receive the B.A. degree in Sociology. The faculty advisor should be consulted in the selection of a required minor for the B.A. in Sociology. The Department of Sociology must have a current address and telephone number of each student pursuing the B.A. degree in Sociology. Students can be assured of the confidentiality of this information.
Students interested in seeking the undergraduate degree (B.A. in Sociology) or the Sociology minor must first gain admission to the University, satisfy THEA requirements, satisfy deficiencies assessed at the time of admission through the Office of Student Academic Enhancement Services Center, and petition the Department for admission as THEA requirements are completed.
Degree Plan & Courses
Students must schedule at least two academic conferences per semester for course approval and status verification for progress toward graduation. In no case will students qualify for graduation at the undergraduate level with fewer than 124 semester credit hours satisfactorily completed. An exit examination is required of all Sociology candidates for the B.A. degree in Sociology.
For the minor in Sociology, twenty-one (21) semester credit hours are required, exclusive of freshman level courses SOC 157 and SOC 158. Students pursuing the minor in Sociology must enroll in the following three-credit courses for a total of 12 credits: SOC 254, SOC 354, SOC 357, and SOC 359. An additional 9 credits must be approved by a Sociology Faculty advisor or the Department Chairperson. Students seeking the minor in Sociology, while pursuing undergraduate degrees in other departments, must earn grades of “C” or better (grades of “C-” are unacceptable) in all courses related to the Sociology minor.
Upon completing this program, the Sociology major will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following:
- The discipline of Sociology and its role in contributing to our understanding of social reality, such that the student will be able to: (a) describe how Sociology differs from and is similar to other social sciences; (b) describe how Sociology contributes to a liberal arts understanding of social reality; and (c) apply the sociological imagination, sociological principles and concepts to his/her own life.
- The role of theory in Sociology, such that the student will be able to: (a) define theory and describe its role in building sociological knowledge; (b) compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations; (c) demonstrate how theories reflect the historical context of times and cultures in which they were developed; and (d) describe and apply basic theories and theoretical orientations in at least one area of social reality.
- The role of evidence and qualitative and quantitative methods in Sociology, such that the student will be able to: (a) identify basic methodological approaches and describe the general role of methods in building sociological knowledge; (b) compare and contrast the basic methodological approaches for gathering data. (c) design a research study and explain why various decisions are made
; and (d) critically assess a published research report and explain how the study could have been improved. - The technical skills involved in retrieving information and data from the internet and using computers appropriately for data analysis. The Sociology major should also be able to do (social) scientific technical writing that accurately conveys data findings and to demonstrate an understanding and application of principles of ethical practice as a sociologist.
In depth knowledge of at least two specialty areas within Sociology, such that the student will be able to: (a) summarize basic questions and issues in the areas; (b) compare and contrast basic theoretical orientations and middle range theories in the areas; (c) demonstrate how Sociology helps the understanding of the area; (d) summarize content research in the area; and (e) develop specific policy implications of research and theories in the areas.