The Barbara Jordan Institute for Policy Research


Barbara Jordan Institute Organizational Structure

barbara-jordan-institute.jpg The organizational structure of the Center consists of two major entities:

The Administrative Staff: The Staff consist of the Center’s Director and other staff members. Collectively, their responsibility is to conduct the day to day administrative and related activities of the Center.

The Research Working Groups: The research and publication activities of the Center are carried out by is Research Working Groups consisting of fellows:

Faculty Fellow: Any member of the TSU faculty with expertise in any of the areas of focus of the Center is eligible to serve as a faculty fellow.

Staff Fellow: Any staff member at TSU with expertise in any of the areas of focus of the Center is eligible to serve as a staff fellow.

Visiting Fellow: An individual from outside of TSU with expertise in any of the areas of focus of the Center is eligible to serve as a visiting fellow.

Graduate Student Fellow: Any graduate student, who is enrolled at TSU, and has an interest in any of the areas of focus of the Center, may be selected to serve as a graduate student fellow by one or more of the Center’s Working Groups.

Undergraduate Student Fellow: Any undergraduate student, who is enrolled at TSU, and has an interest in any of the areas of focus of the Center, may be selected to serve as an undergraduate student fellow by one or more of the Center’s Working Groups. 

3100 Cleburne Street | Houston, Texas 77004 713-313-6849