Dr. Laura Solitare
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Rutgers University
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Departments: Urban Planning & Environmental Policy
Curriculum Vitae
Laura Solitare is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University. Having earned her Ph.D. from Rutgers University in Urban Planning and Policy Development, she has been as asset to the department since 2003. Prior to coming to Texas Southern she was a lecturer at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
Dr. Solitare research generally focuses and specializations lie within the arena of: Sustainable Communities, Environmental Justice, Healthy Communities, Health Impact Assessment, Environmental Planning, Land Use, Community Development, Research Methods and Planning Theory. These specializations have allowed her to present and publish a magnitude of manuscripts. In 2011, in New Orleans, LA , she presented “The Role of Health Impact Assessments in Promoting Environmental Justice” for the 41st Annual Urban Affairs Association Meeting. She has also written articles for several Journals- the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, The Environmentalist, Journal of Policy Modeling and the Urban Affairs Review.
For many years, Dr. Solitare has been a part of the Brownfield’s Redevelopment Project in New Brunswick, New Jersey developing a series of Assistance Modules with the latest titled: Financing and Insurance Programs for Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup” . At the university, she has served in several capacities; as the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee, Member of the Planning Accreditation Board Self-Study Committee, as a Member of the Graduate Admissions Committee and as a Member of the Library Acquisitions Committee.
Areas of Specialization:
Brownfield’s Redevelopment, Community and Economic Development, Environment Planning, Environmental Planning, Health Impact Assessment, Land Use, Public Health and Environmental Justice, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods, Research Methods, Sustainability in Urban Communities, Sustainable Development.